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"How might we provide services that are engaging and improve the wellbeing of our customers?"



Due to the vastness of the brief presented by the BT Financial Group, my group and I needed to dig deeper into the question given to us and find our problem statement. Through extensive user research and existing resources given to us we generated a collaborative problem statement as below:

"How can we utilise users' data on mental health to increase the overall wellbeing of our users in various life stages?"


Hyper aware of data between digital platforms, but doesn’t mind sharing her personal information as long she has full control over them. Due to her financial status, she’d seek out discount benefits from subscriptions that she requires.

She is heavily dependent on her social life, social group and social media. She is at the beginning of a thriving career yet despite all that, she suffers from "Loneliness Effect".


WHAT IS LONELINESS EFFECT? identifies it as a mental disorder due to mental detachment and dissociation as well as insecurities between relationships of individuals often caused through fear of social rejection and lack of trust in others.



18-29 & 65-79 are highlighted as the highest risk group due to following reasons: 

Loneliness effect is often triggered due to lack of trust in oneself, their relationship with others and their lack of trust due to fear of social rejection and self disassociation. 

These demographics are often highlighted as the risk group for loneliness effect, due to the lifestyle of their age group and the inevitable changing environments that come with it i.e. high school to university transition; retirement villages; away from family life style etc.  


Because loneliness effect is only recently identified as a mental disorder, the clinical research and diagnosis behaviours are very limited. More often than not, Loneliness Effect is either misidentified as anxiety or depression, dismissed in professional practice or simply unidentified as a problem. 

The recent development around loneliness effect show that a two tier approach as a potential solution for treatment is the best practice: 

Addressing the problem through cognitive behavioural therapy (in this project DBT Interpersonal Effectiveness is taken as a potential solution) 

Offering a social environment where a patient can develop self value and respect through volunteer, charity work.

Eeda-iphone X mockup.png


A guided, modular, accessible and personalised user experience

It was vital for Eeda to cater for different user groups, especially under the consideration of the two vastly different risk groups of loneliness effect. For that, a guided user experience that is customised in time through the data provided by the users' use of app was the approach I took in the design of this application. 


A guided tutorial on how to use this app - which can be skipped by those who don't require the guided experience - leads the users to the "Journal" section that is filled with articles, blogs and podcasts that are aiming to help users build confidence and trust in themselves and their surroundings as a starting steps to better their condition. 


The app also provides group session activities that are curated sessions to build self-value in helping others. 


& intangible


Using the reward system in Eeda App was to mainly give an incentive for the user to work towards a goal but at the same time gamify the experience of tracking progress.


To do so, the rewarding system was approached in two tears: tangible and intangible. For intangible rewards, I deiced to use the unlocking of the background scenic themes which could work in benefit of personalisation as well. And for the tangible rewards, highlighting BT Financial Group's contributing to the wellbeing of their customer is further highlighted through the financial deals that they would provide for their own customers.

15.2 - iPhone X - Reward unlocked.png
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16 - iPhone X - Theme unlocked.png
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This project was made in order to complete my master's degree as part of the graduation studio. I completed this project with the help of my group members DéVante Carpenter and Manxiu Lyu (Sammy) who helped me with their great ideas, ambition to be the top and great scope of design, research, and talent for design thinking processes. For that, I would like to share my gratitude.

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